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We are part of the Center for Research on Biodiversity Dynamics and Climate Change (CBioClima) and the Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre (GGBC). Our lab members, and in particular students, have great opportunities for funding, travel grants and learning resources.

Message for prospective students

If you want to do research with us, we strongly recommend you to first read the following literature that contain advice for undergraduate and graduate students about how the scientific career works.

  • As cinco regras para convencer alguém a te orientar  (Portuguese) (Link)

  • What to bring to a meeting with your advisor (Link)

  • Some modest and practical advice for undergraduate researchers (Link)

  • Mello, M. A. R. (2017). Sobrevivendo na ciência: um pequeno manual para a jornada do cientista. (1st ed.) Belo Horizonte: Publicação independente. ISBN: 9781520403816 (Portuguese) (Link)

  • Mello, M. A. R. (2021). Sobrevivendo ao seu emprego acadêmico (1st ed.). São Paulo: Publicação independente. ISBN: 9786500199048 (Portuguese) (Link)

  • Diniz, D. (2024) Carta de uma orientadora: sobre pesquisa e escrita acadêmica. Brasília: Civilização Brasileira (Portuguese) (Link)

  • Code of Good Scientific Practice  FAPESP (Link)


Our values in Science

Our values encompass ethical principles, moral standards and professional norms that guide scientific inquiry. Our core principles include our commitment to scientific integrity, innovation and discovery. We focus on produce good quality papers rather than quantity. We respect the evidence (good quality of data) making transparent science with accountability, do not tolerate plagiarism or scientific misconduct. Minimize risk to humans, animals and environment. Promote justice and inclusivity. Encourage self-reflection and growth.

We have a ‘give and take’ policy: we make every effort to help each other with resources, time and input, and we are generous in offering co-authorships to those who contribute substantially.

These values foster trust, credibility and progress in scientific research, ensuring benefits for society and the environment. We make every effort to meet our commitments with our peers and society. 


Are you interested in biogeography and conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles? We are looking for motivated students at any career stage to join our team!

I  invite you to take a look in our website and social media (twitter and instagram) and if you liked what you found, please send me an e-mail ( telling more about yourself, your research interests, previous experience, and your goals as undergrad, Master's, PhD student or post-docs.


Currently, I am able to advise undergraduate students from São Paulo State University (UNESP) and graduate students in the Graduation Program in Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity (EcoEvoBio).  I suggest you to visit the website of  graduation program and check the criteria, rules and schedule for application.


Thaís Guedes is a Young Researcher  funded by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo in progress (from 2022 to 2027), running the project entitled "Evolution and biogeography of the herpetofauna: patterns, process and implications for conservation in a scenario of environmental and climate changes".  Thus, get in touch with me if you liked the idea of the project and want to work with us or even collaborate.



*Students from UNESP you can contact me after class or drop by the room 21-I of the Departamento de Biodiversidade or rooms 1 and 2 at the Jacarezário building, both Instituto de Biociências.


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